So it’s been a while, a long while, since I blogged but it was something I wanted to get back into this year. I know I’m a bit late to actually posting... it’s now May! 🙈
BUT I have got two posts that I wrote one back in January and one in February but after that it kinda took a back seat for a while.
However I’ve decided now is the time to get back into it. I want to update you all with what’s been happening in my life, where the childminding is at & share with you some news.
I’ll start by updating you on what’s been happening and then I’ll post the write ups that I kept in my notes on my phone & upload them soon but I’m not 100% sure when all will be posted just yet. So keep your eyes peeled because I’m back and hopefully back for good..... (did anyone else just sing that or me???)
Love Coco xxxx